Potty train your child in less than a weekend
without tantrums, meltdowns, and feeling unsure of what to do when things go sideways
There isn't a parent out there who wasn’t thrilled to hear their child say “dada” or “mama” for the first time. And while you might be feeling excited about the first “pee-pee” too, it often comes along with a sense of dread.
You've probably heard the horror stories
A friend who started potty training their child only to find that after a success or two, every day was a battle. They had planned to take a few weeks to potty train their child, but 6 months later, they are still potty training. They’re pretty sure he’ll be wearing diapers under his high school graduation gown.
Or that mom who recalled potty training as “the darkest period of my life” because while her daughter peed on the potty right away (in fact, “she practically potty trained herself”) she also stopped pooping all together for over a week.
She started hiding behind the living room furniture to poop in her underwear. When the stench of poop filled the room, mom would ask, “Did you poop?” Her daughter replied, “no.” But there it was: a big poop ball in her underwear.
“It caused so many fights with her, between me and her dad. She knew where to poop, but she just wouldn’t. We explained why, we pleaded, we punished, we didn’t know when or if it would ever end — it was horrible.”
You don't want potty training to be a sh*t show (and you aren't certain it won't be)
Like most toddlers, your child can get emotional. Maybe they had a meltdown when you gave them a chocolate chip cookie that was just slightly smaller than the one their brother got, or it was too big, or it had too many chocolate chips, or it was too round.
You’re not sure that every stage of potty training might not bring on a tantrum, and you're dreading that it might. What if the potty is too tall, too short, too cold, too round?! What if the toilet paper is too “paper-y?”
And aside from the potential for a volcanic blow up that would put Yellowstone to shame, the possibility for things to take an unexpected turn is even more frightening.
How would you manage it if your child did want to even sit on the potty? What if they thought finger painting with their own poop was the most fun ever? Finger painting with their own poop.
Maybe you’re having dreams nightmares about your child peeing in the car during every trip to the grocery store or worse yet, right in the milk aisle. When can you leave the house again after potty training starts?
So you go on a mission to crack the code for potty training
If you're like most moms and dads, you Google, "how to toilet train toddlers." You look at books on Amazon. You ask your parents, your friends, your child’s preschool teacher, your great aunt Sally, and you hear so many differing opinions.
- "Wait until after the age of three"
- "Whatever you do, don't wait until after three"
- "Go bare bottom"
- “Take diapers off a couple hours a day and they’ll get it eventually”
- “Use pull-ups for six months”
- "Wait until they show interest"
- "Give them treats"
- "Whatever you do, don't bribe them!"
You haven't heard this much conflicting advice since you asked how to get your child to sleep through the night. If that weren't enough, there's even more to think about.
There’s also a ton of “potty training gear” that you could buy...
One quick look at Amazon, and you see more potty training equipment than you ever imagined existed. Do you need a portable potty, a small urinal, a child size potty, a toilet training insert, a stool? Should you be getting books, potty watches, pajamas you can pee in, and toys about potty training?

Most of the conventional advice on potty training just doesn’t work (and all the fancy toys don't help either)
“Most of what parents read in [potty training books] — whether it’s about the right age to potty train or the right approach to use — isn’t backed up by scientific evidence.”
Timothy Schum, MD, an associate professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin
There isn’t any requirement that widely marketed potty training books, equipment, or suggestions be backed by science. In fact, the majority aren’t. That’s why so many parents struggle to get the same results when potty training themselves with their child.
The good news is that there is a fair amount of research that has been done on potty training. We specialize in research based methods that work for the majority of children and parents who are hoping to potty train quickly, efficiently, and once.
Hi, I'm Dr. Amanda Keating and I'm going to help you potty train your child ... in less than a weekend

You might be surprised to know that there is an entire science behind potty training. People always ask if I’m a real life university professor, and yes, I am. In fact, I’ve worked as a professor, researcher, program director, and clinical supervisor at several universities.
My professional potty training experiences have often been spent assisting children and adults who have serious problems with achieving or maintaining continence — individuals who are recovering from a stroke or accident, children and adults with developmental disabilities, and individuals with ongoing chronic health problems.
But it wasn’t until I found myself feeling nervous about potty training my own child that I became passionate about helping everyday parents to potty train their toddlers.
Like many parents, I felt a sense of dread about the potential for tantrums and unknown twists and turns. I had hoped he'd just take to it. Some children do.
He didn't. He hated the bathroom, the mini potty we bought him, and the noise of the toilet flushing. The paper, however, he loved — for everything but his bottom.
I thought working with individuals who threw poop, spent years in diapers, or who engaged in fecal smearing were going to be my biggest challenges. But when it came to my own two-year-old, somehow, self-doubt and uncertainty began to creep in.
Luckily, I could recognize my misstep almost immediately, and knew what I needed to do. I regrouped, got a game plan together, took a weekend — and got it done.
We took off diapers on a Saturday morning and we never put them back on. And yes, he went right back to preschool the next week.
Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of parents to potty train their child quickly and completely — and they even had fun doing it.

Like this busy mom of two
Within the first hour, Layla had successfully pooped and peed in the potty on two separate occasions. She was excited and, aside from a brief moment leading up to her first success on the potty, was motivated to use the potty.
Thankfully my positive, forward-only attitude (thanks to your coaching!) didn’t waiver. We quickly moved through phases 1–3 before lunch and without a single accident!
She blew us away. We felt prepared and empowered. Everything was positive and she is so proud of herself (as she exclaimed multiple times). She also told me today was “the best day!”

And this single dad
Jackson did great with the toilet training! We started Saturday morning and got through the day with a only a handful of accidents.
We had bought him a Spider Man action figure to use as his doll and he loved it! We made doll underwear with some of his old socks. We also decided to have him start learning on the big potty with a potty seat, and he was happy with that too!
On Sunday he had one accident with his bowel movement, but by Sunday night he had gotten that down too! Anyway, just wanted to let you know our success story and thank you again for the class! It really went much better than I thought it would!

Or this mom of twins
(She had no problem potty training one of her children, but struggled to find a solution to potty training the other.)
Thank you so much again for your help and insights. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had the confidence or know how to empower my daughter in this way.
I used to think of potty training as punitive but now I see it as Mom empowering her children in a positive way. See potty pics of Jessie!
Thanks again. I hope to get to work with you in the future.
You can potty train your child in a weekend — without nagging, punishing, or having an iPad become a permanent fixture in your bathroom
A lot of parents think they can’t possibly potty train their child quickly. In fact, when parents hear other moms and dads saying their child is taking themselves to the potty in just a few hours, they have a hard time believing it.
But it’s true! If your child is developmentally ready and you have the right approach to teaching them, you can potty train your child successfully over the course of a weekend. In fact, the bulk of learning occurs in an average of four hours.
Potty University: a science-based online potty training course that will help you potty train your toddler in a weekend

Welcome to Potty University, where we like to say, "we got a PhD in potty training, so you don't have to." This is the place to learn how to potty train your child quickly, completely, and once (while also having fun).
Our method isn't just what worked for us or what a friend did. We developed our framework using the latest and most robust research on child development, learning, and toilet training.
Nothing in Potty University is based in theory or one person’s successful potty-training experience. Our four-phase approach to potty training is the result of everything research has shown us works to help toddlers learn independent pottying skills quickly.
We will help you potty train your child effectively and efficiently (without turning it into a second job for the next 6 months or destroying your relationship with your child).
How does Potty University work?
At Potty University, we’ve taken the guesswork out of potty training so you can enjoy this “big boy” or “big girl” achievement with your child. Here's a rundown of what's included.
- Video lessons outlining our four-phase potty training system
- Live support from potty training experts you can access in our online Facebook group, to help you develop the best “personal potty plan” for your family
- Checklists for every technique you’ll use, so that it’s crystal clear if you’re on target

- Sample scripts of what to say and do for things like introducing the potty and correcting an accident
- A complete guide to pottying gear and materials so you know exactly what to purchase that’s right for your child- as well as a list of things you don’t need
- A comprehensive readiness test so you know for sure if now is the time
- An advanced tips section on problem solving common pitfalls such as poor aim or playing with the toilet paper
- Nighttime and naptime advice and tips

What you'll learn in Potty University
Module 1 – Potty U Welcome
In this module, you’ll get an overview of the road ahead, access our private Facebook group, and learn about how to track your child’s pottying habits systematically.
Module 2 – The Potty U Readiness Test
Here you’ll learn exactly whether your child is ready for potty training by assessing their development in a variety of important potty training areas such as language, cooperation, and digestive health.
Readiness is the best predictor of potty training success, so you’ll know for sure at the end whether your child’s ready and, if they aren’t, how to enhance the areas they aren’t ready quite yet.
Module 3 – What to Say and What Not to Say
We’ve all had a favorite teacher or helper that we’ve listened to intently and who inspired us. We’ve also experienced someone who just seemed to make demands. A teacher who was boring, who scared us, or who just seemed plain ol’ mean.
In this module, you’ll hone in with precision on how to teach your child effectively. You’ll get sample scripts and concrete details of what to say (and not to say) during potty training.
Module 4 – Encouraging and Rewarding Potty Behavior
You’ll learn how to encourage your child’s willing participation. We’ll dive into all the particulars about rewards including prizes, candy, and electronics so that you can decide whether they might be helpful for your child (or not).
We’ll let you know which ones tend to work against you, and which ones might be helpful in the short term.
Module 5 – Play-Based Potty Education
This module includes the step-by-step guides to the four phases of potty training starting with teaching about the potty using toys and fun and ending with independent pottying.
When we say "independent pottying," we mean pottying without the ongoing need for reminders, prompts, or treats.
Each phase includes a clear outline of what to do and when to move on. You’ll know without a doubt how to respond when there’s success and when there isn’t.
Module 6 – Your Personal Plan and Making Choices
In this module, you’ll pull together your final plan including the when, where, who, and what resulting in your personal potty training plan.
Module 7 – Advanced Tips and Troubleshooting
This is a module in which we’ve included solutions to lots of common potty training headaches, like transitioning from a small potty to the big one, helping your child to manage the fear of an automatic flusher, and what to do if they start playing with their poop.
Module 8 – Celebration
In the final module, we’re going to celebrate right along with you, and this is where we’re going to make sure you’re set up for success over time.
We’ll cover the basics of different spaces, places, and activities, and how to manage ongoing independent pottying even when the circumstances have changed.
We’re there for you as you potty train your child
As soon as you enroll, you can get started — not only in learning the four phase process of teaching potty training skills, but also taking advantage of your own personal potty training experts. It’s the next best thing to having your own in-home potty trainer.
You’ll join our private Facebook community where you can get feedback on your child’s readiness, your gear selections, and your personal plan for potty training success.
You’ll also have access to our live video conference calls where you can ask us any questions you might have and get feedback on your child’s progress. This personalized feedback is the “secret sauce” that will assure you have the best possible potty training plan and outcomes for your family.
We will be checking in with you on your child’s habits, their readiness test results, clarifying the process, and giving feedback on your personal potty plan. Can’t make a call? You can always leave questions in our online community in advance and watch the replay for up to one week.
Is Potty University right for me?
This program is right for you if:
- Your child is 18 months or older
- You want an organized step-by-step process for potty training that you can accomplish quickly
- You want to base your potty training decisions on the latest research to date about child development, learning, and potty training
- You value having access to experienced potty training scientists who will answer your questions and help you develop a personal plan for your family
- You would enjoy being part of a community of other moms and dads who are also potty training
- You appreciate that we sometimes make bad jokes a good sense of humor
- You are a parent who has never tried potty training, but wants to do it once, and “do it right”
- You already tried gave potty training a while and things didn’t go well
- Potty training your last child was a tough experience you don’t want to repeat with your next toddler, or
- Potty training was easy with your last child, but even though you’re doing the same things this go ‘round, it’s not working out
This program is NOT right for you if:
- You hope to take a relaxed, “see how it goes” style to potty training
- Your child is under 18 months old
- You are responding to pressure to potty train your child from their other parent, school, or friends
- You want to start without any pre-planning or planning for predictable problems like an upcoming vacation, or
- You get your child to comply with other activities such as washing-hand or brushing teeth by using physical force or yelling
Our Guarantee
We are confident that Potty University can help your family, and so we offer the program with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you don’t feel like Potty U is a good fit for your family, we will happily provide you with a refund. To be eligible, you must submit your child’s readiness test and have attended one live coaching call.

Join the Potty University today!

Children can learn to use the potty in less than a weekend. More importantly, parents can help their child learn the process using play-games, toys, and fun — rather than yelling, punishing, or extending the process for months.
Join us today and get access to:
- Video lessons outlining our four-phase potty training system
- Live support from potty training experts you can access in our online Facebook group, to help you develop the best “personal potty plan” for your family
- Checklists for every technique you’ll use, so that it’s crystal clear if you’re on target
- Sample scripts of what to say and do for things like introducing the potty and correcting an accident
- A complete guide to pottying gear and materials so you know exactly what to purchase that’s right for your child- as well as a list of things you don’t need
- A comprehensive readiness test so you know for sure if now is the time
- An advanced tips section on problem solving common pitfalls such as poor aim or playing with the toilet paper
- Nighttime and naptime advice and tips
Interested in a self-study?
You can get all of the same materials, videos, our 4 phase process of potty training, and your child's graduation diploma as a self-study course.
Join Potty University for $47